Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Self Esteem and Confidence

Somebody tell me:
Try these steps to cultivate self esteem and confidence in your child.
1.Encourage her/him positively, and help her/him succeed in everything she/he does or tries to do.
2.Praise her/him when she/he succeeds [and or trying]. This boosts her/his self-esteem and gives her/him greater confidence to take on new challenges.
3.Let your child know you believe in her ability to do well.
4.Play with her as much as possible .When playing ,let her take the lead.

Being a young parent you might not know what you want,what to do. So do not be shy to ask other people about parenting.Especially so if your child is not normal, such as autism, down syndrome, had congenital heart diseases, asthma,cerebral palsy, etc......

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