i read somewhere,when treating my patient i should chant this "salamun kaulam mirrobbir rohim".from surah yasin.however i never ask my patient if they have any extra ordinary reaction after my practice.i just hope something change for the better of my patient.
i never have the opportunity to ask any traditional healer about this.may be you do.if you have the chance, make sure you ask.it might be useful for you later on.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Sayur kampong vs sayur ladang
Pada saya, jelas sayur kampung lebih baik dari sayur ladang kerana:
1.tiada bahan kimia khususnya racun makhluk perosak.
2.serat yang terdapat pada sayur kampung lebih kasar, dengan sebab itu lebih baik dari segi fungsi untuk pembuangan najis.
3.sayur kampung mempunyai ketahanan yang lebih semasa disimpan di luar peti ais.tahan segar lebih lama.
4.sayur kampung mengandungi zat, vitamin, flavinoid,antioxidant yang sesuai untuk manusia, walaupun zat2 tersebut belum dikaji olih biochemist dan ahli permakanan kerana kekurangan ilmu.
5.sayur kampung tidak gentically modified , olih itu selamat.
Sedikit demi sedikit, kajian mula dibuat terhadap sayur kampung olih para ahli permakanan dan justeru diketahui kelebihannya termasuk dari segi perubatan. Contohnya, buah peria, mempunyai zat alkaloid yang tinggi , menurunkan glucosa darah, sesuai untuk pesakit kencing manis.
Tidak lama lagi akan ada kajian yang akan menemui rawatan penyakit kanser dan sebagainya.Sekarang ini pun diketahui, serat2 dalam sayur berfungsi membuang lemak dalam usus menyebabkan cholesterol darah berkurang. Serat2 juga membuang segala carcinogen dalam usus besar dan menghalang terjadinya kanser usus.
Dengan bertambahnya interest terhadap industry herba /biotechnology, tidak syak lagi dimasa akan datang sayur kampung akan ditanam secara komersial dan digunakan meluas dalam perubatan.
1.tiada bahan kimia khususnya racun makhluk perosak.
2.serat yang terdapat pada sayur kampung lebih kasar, dengan sebab itu lebih baik dari segi fungsi untuk pembuangan najis.
3.sayur kampung mempunyai ketahanan yang lebih semasa disimpan di luar peti ais.tahan segar lebih lama.
4.sayur kampung mengandungi zat, vitamin, flavinoid,antioxidant yang sesuai untuk manusia, walaupun zat2 tersebut belum dikaji olih biochemist dan ahli permakanan kerana kekurangan ilmu.
5.sayur kampung tidak gentically modified , olih itu selamat.
Sedikit demi sedikit, kajian mula dibuat terhadap sayur kampung olih para ahli permakanan dan justeru diketahui kelebihannya termasuk dari segi perubatan. Contohnya, buah peria, mempunyai zat alkaloid yang tinggi , menurunkan glucosa darah, sesuai untuk pesakit kencing manis.
Tidak lama lagi akan ada kajian yang akan menemui rawatan penyakit kanser dan sebagainya.Sekarang ini pun diketahui, serat2 dalam sayur berfungsi membuang lemak dalam usus menyebabkan cholesterol darah berkurang. Serat2 juga membuang segala carcinogen dalam usus besar dan menghalang terjadinya kanser usus.
Dengan bertambahnya interest terhadap industry herba /biotechnology, tidak syak lagi dimasa akan datang sayur kampung akan ditanam secara komersial dan digunakan meluas dalam perubatan.
Adakah tuan2 terfikir, mengapa penyakit h1n1 merebak begitu cepat?Ini kerana ia merebak melalui wap air yang keluar dari pernafasan, batuk dan bersin.Keadaan akan lebih teruk jika ruang dimana pembawa penyakit dan contact duduk berdekatan , bersemuka, dalam suasana ruang lingkup yang tertutup seperti dalam kapal terbang, dalam panggung wayang, dalam dewan syarahan , dalam bilik darjah, atau dalam bas . Tuan2 boleh fikirkan sendiri satu list yang panjang.
Apabila kes2 sudah disahkan berada di sekeliling kita, maka sudah tentulah menjadi tanggung jawab kita mengelak dari menyebarkan penyakit tersebut.Jangan pergi ketempat2 awam seperti yang disebutkan tadi , apatah lagi bila kita sudah dijangkiti.Amalan menjaga kebersihan diri mesti ditingkatkan, dan mesti jujur dengan diri sendiri, bila sudah jatuh sakit, pergilah kehospital dan buat pemeriksaan.Sikap denial akan menyebabkan keadaan lebih teruk, disamping jika lambat mendapata rawatan bolih membawa maut.
Apabila kes2 sudah disahkan berada di sekeliling kita, maka sudah tentulah menjadi tanggung jawab kita mengelak dari menyebarkan penyakit tersebut.Jangan pergi ketempat2 awam seperti yang disebutkan tadi , apatah lagi bila kita sudah dijangkiti.Amalan menjaga kebersihan diri mesti ditingkatkan, dan mesti jujur dengan diri sendiri, bila sudah jatuh sakit, pergilah kehospital dan buat pemeriksaan.Sikap denial akan menyebabkan keadaan lebih teruk, disamping jika lambat mendapata rawatan bolih membawa maut.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Anda perlu tahu:
Self monitoring blood glucose , atau dalam bahasa melayu, pemeriksaan sendiri glukosa darah, bolih di buat dengan alat glucometer, sedikit darah dari hujung jari sahaja diperlukan. bacaan yang diperolih merupakan level darah random, jika terlalu tinggi, menunjukkan ubat yang dimakan, atau disuntik belum mencukupi. Sila jumpa doktor untuk di adjust semula.
Hba1c, yang merupakan level glukosa dalam darah yang terikat secara irriversible dengan hemoglobin didalam sel darah merah.Paras yang optima harus lah dibawah 6.5%. Pesakit yang mempunyai paras Hba1c lebih dari 6.5%, mempunyai risiko tinggi untuk mendapat komplikasi diabetes.Ia juga menunjukkan kawalan glukosa darah yang tidak memuaskan.[ glukosa darah turun naik].
Sekarang syarikat insurance nyawa menjadikan satu kemestian kepada pesakit diabetes yang mengambil insurance diukur paras Hba1c , sebelum permohonannya diluluskan.
Self monitoring blood glucose , atau dalam bahasa melayu, pemeriksaan sendiri glukosa darah, bolih di buat dengan alat glucometer, sedikit darah dari hujung jari sahaja diperlukan. bacaan yang diperolih merupakan level darah random, jika terlalu tinggi, menunjukkan ubat yang dimakan, atau disuntik belum mencukupi. Sila jumpa doktor untuk di adjust semula.
Hba1c, yang merupakan level glukosa dalam darah yang terikat secara irriversible dengan hemoglobin didalam sel darah merah.Paras yang optima harus lah dibawah 6.5%. Pesakit yang mempunyai paras Hba1c lebih dari 6.5%, mempunyai risiko tinggi untuk mendapat komplikasi diabetes.Ia juga menunjukkan kawalan glukosa darah yang tidak memuaskan.[ glukosa darah turun naik].
Sekarang syarikat insurance nyawa menjadikan satu kemestian kepada pesakit diabetes yang mengambil insurance diukur paras Hba1c , sebelum permohonannya diluluskan.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Leptospirosis Outbreak
I just want to mention it, after the news of leptospirosis outbreak in Penang. It is due to the cleanlines of the immegration detention centre.Now the authority itself admit it and urge the other detention centre to clean their premises.
I have never been to the detention centre before; but if it have such an outbreak, it must be damn filthy, rat infested and also congested area.I doubt if any health officer from Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah been invited to inspect the detention centre.
In 1980's and 1990's have seen patient get infected by leptospirosis because they went to field work at oil palm estate or at the jungle.Apparently now things changed.One of my relative was admitted to Intensive care unit due to leptospirosis infection and subsequently he sufferred kidney failure , lucky for him, he don't have to undergo dyalisis.
Patient usually present with fever, spiking in nature,sweating, hypotension, tachycardia, and drowsy. Later he may became septicemia, liver and kidney failure.Usually they have tinge of joundice since the start of fever.Fortunately if the right antibiotic given, they will recover.They are sensitive to old generation of antibiotic, such as doxymycin.
What they should do? clearly the inmate must be given health education, discard their poor hygiene habit. The premises must be cleaned, get the inmate to involved in the cleaning the area.
Make a point to clean the water tank, cover it properly. The inmate may actually didn't get enough supply of water, one tank may not be enough so install some more.The inmate may probably try to safe some amount of water in a dirty ,exposed container for their own consumption, and then it soiled by the rodent at night.
A congested area of detention centre worsen the severity of any outbreak. We should learn from japanese detention camp in the 40's.Fascilitate the processing and deportation of this inmate , it will ease up the congestion. Otherwise the authority must open up new detention centre.They are human too.
I have never been to the detention centre before; but if it have such an outbreak, it must be damn filthy, rat infested and also congested area.I doubt if any health officer from Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah been invited to inspect the detention centre.
In 1980's and 1990's have seen patient get infected by leptospirosis because they went to field work at oil palm estate or at the jungle.Apparently now things changed.One of my relative was admitted to Intensive care unit due to leptospirosis infection and subsequently he sufferred kidney failure , lucky for him, he don't have to undergo dyalisis.
Patient usually present with fever, spiking in nature,sweating, hypotension, tachycardia, and drowsy. Later he may became septicemia, liver and kidney failure.Usually they have tinge of joundice since the start of fever.Fortunately if the right antibiotic given, they will recover.They are sensitive to old generation of antibiotic, such as doxymycin.
What they should do? clearly the inmate must be given health education, discard their poor hygiene habit. The premises must be cleaned, get the inmate to involved in the cleaning the area.
Make a point to clean the water tank, cover it properly. The inmate may actually didn't get enough supply of water, one tank may not be enough so install some more.The inmate may probably try to safe some amount of water in a dirty ,exposed container for their own consumption, and then it soiled by the rodent at night.
A congested area of detention centre worsen the severity of any outbreak. We should learn from japanese detention camp in the 40's.Fascilitate the processing and deportation of this inmate , it will ease up the congestion. Otherwise the authority must open up new detention centre.They are human too.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Berkhatan-bukan tanda dia Muslim
Sehingga sekarang, saya sudah terlibat dalam general practice selama kira kira 15 tahun.Saya sudah mengkhatankan berpuluh2 lelaki bukan muslim di klinik saya. Kebanyakannya orang2 muda, yang pada pendapat saya cukup berani kerana sanggup melalui pembedahan kecil membuang kulit yang tidak diperlukan.
Sebab sebab mereka berkhatan ialah:
1, jangkitan penyakit di situ, menyebabkan phalus tidak dapat dikeluarkan untuk hubungan kelamin.terutamanya pesakit2 yang mengidap diabetes.
2.kulit yang terlalu berlebihan, menimbulkan kesukaran mencuci alat kelamin.biasanya parent yang mencadangkan untuk berkhatan.
3.orang muda yang ingin menikmati sexual adventure.kadang2 mereka meminta untuk meletakkan sebutir dua mutiara di bawah kulit.
4.kanak2 yang cedera, tersepit zip seluar.
5.kanak2 yang mengidap balanitis dan seterusnya progress menjadi phymosis.
Saya sentiasa menyimpan rekod mereka yang berkhatan dengan cermat untuk kegunaan dikemudian hari. Bagaimanapun dari pemerhatian saya, saya dapati kanak2 bukan melayu [islam] , mereka sentiasa menjaga kebersihan dibahagian phalus dengan serius. tiada daki, dan phalus bolih dikeluarkan dengan sempurna.Saya percaya ibubapa mereka cukup mengambil berat tentang hal ini.Kanak2 melayu pula, saya dapati terlalu kotor, penuh daki , dan kulit melekat di phalus menyebabkan apabila berkhatan phalus jadi tercedera dan lambat baik. Ibubapa mereka mengharap kebijaksanaan doktor membersihkan phalus.Daki yang dipanggil smegma itu, bolih menyebabkan ketumbuhan canser cervix.Buktinya canser cervix sangat rendah incidencenya dikalangan orang2 Yahudi , dibandingkan dengan orang Caucasian.Mereka tidak berkhatan.Bagaimana pun sekarang insidence kanser cervix meningkat, dan dikaitkan dengan human papilloma virus, sebab itu dipromosikan besarbesaran untuk mengambil vaksin terhadap virus ini.
Sebab sebab mereka berkhatan ialah:
1, jangkitan penyakit di situ, menyebabkan phalus tidak dapat dikeluarkan untuk hubungan kelamin.terutamanya pesakit2 yang mengidap diabetes.
2.kulit yang terlalu berlebihan, menimbulkan kesukaran mencuci alat kelamin.biasanya parent yang mencadangkan untuk berkhatan.
3.orang muda yang ingin menikmati sexual adventure.kadang2 mereka meminta untuk meletakkan sebutir dua mutiara di bawah kulit.
4.kanak2 yang cedera, tersepit zip seluar.
5.kanak2 yang mengidap balanitis dan seterusnya progress menjadi phymosis.
Saya sentiasa menyimpan rekod mereka yang berkhatan dengan cermat untuk kegunaan dikemudian hari. Bagaimanapun dari pemerhatian saya, saya dapati kanak2 bukan melayu [islam] , mereka sentiasa menjaga kebersihan dibahagian phalus dengan serius. tiada daki, dan phalus bolih dikeluarkan dengan sempurna.Saya percaya ibubapa mereka cukup mengambil berat tentang hal ini.Kanak2 melayu pula, saya dapati terlalu kotor, penuh daki , dan kulit melekat di phalus menyebabkan apabila berkhatan phalus jadi tercedera dan lambat baik. Ibubapa mereka mengharap kebijaksanaan doktor membersihkan phalus.Daki yang dipanggil smegma itu, bolih menyebabkan ketumbuhan canser cervix.Buktinya canser cervix sangat rendah incidencenya dikalangan orang2 Yahudi , dibandingkan dengan orang Caucasian.Mereka tidak berkhatan.Bagaimana pun sekarang insidence kanser cervix meningkat, dan dikaitkan dengan human papilloma virus, sebab itu dipromosikan besarbesaran untuk mengambil vaksin terhadap virus ini.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Pelajaran Sex-dari mana anak anda belajar
Perkara Sex memang menjadi taboo kepada masyarakat Melayu.Tiada siapa bincang perkara ini, dirumah atau dimana-mana.Orang2 tua yangbersembang dikedai kopi mungkin bercerita, tapi bukan berbincang. tujuannya menunjuk2 siapa hero. Buku? hanya menyentuh mengenai kehebatan sex, tujuan penulis untuk mencari duit.
Pernahkah anda terfikir, anak remaja anda tiada siapa yang memberi guideline mengenai sex? saya fikir masyarakat kita terlalu terkebelakang mengenai hal ini.Mana mungkin kita mengharap anak2 remaja itu mendapat ilham sendiri sebagaimana ibu bapanya 20 tahun dahulu.
Pelajaran sex harus menyentuh topik:
1.mengapa kahwin?umur yang sesuai untuk berkahwin.memilih pasangan untuk berkahwin.
2.akil baligh.lelaki dan wanita.dan perkara berkaitan aurat.
3.anggota jantina lelaki dan wanita.pertukaran jantina secara pembedahan.
4.berkhatan, lelaki dan wanita.keperluan menjaga kebersihan .sabun yang sesuai.
5.haid dan penyakit2nya.
6.kejadian persenyawaan benih lelaki dan wanita.
7.mengandung, tanda2 mengandung dan penyakit2 berkaitan mengandung,komplikasi mengandung.
8.perkara2 yg harus di lakukan olih pasangan bila mengandung, amalan2 afdal,makanan yang direkomendasi.
9.keperluan pemeriksaan kesihatan semasa mengandung.
10.persediaan bersalin.dimana hendak bersalin.
11.persediaan menyambut kehadiran bayi.
12.penyakit berkaitan hubungan sex rambang, homosex, lesbian .[penyakit kelamin].
13.musibah berkaitan serangan sexual , [mencabul,rogol].apa harus di lakukan.laporan polis, pemeriksaan medicolegal, rawatan perubatan .
14.perlakuan sex abnormal, kaitan nya dengan undang2.
15.kegiatan sukan lasak, adakah mencederakan lapisan dara? pemereksaan yang di benarkan.
16.pengguguran ; kebenaran melakukannya dan kesan2nya.
17.penyakit kegagalan fungsi alat jantina lelaki dan rawatannya.
18.konsep perancang keluarga [keluarga berencana].
Anda mungkin ada persoalan yang ingin di ketengahkan.maka jangan malu untuk bertanya.
Pernahkah anda terfikir, anak remaja anda tiada siapa yang memberi guideline mengenai sex? saya fikir masyarakat kita terlalu terkebelakang mengenai hal ini.Mana mungkin kita mengharap anak2 remaja itu mendapat ilham sendiri sebagaimana ibu bapanya 20 tahun dahulu.
Pelajaran sex harus menyentuh topik:
1.mengapa kahwin?umur yang sesuai untuk berkahwin.memilih pasangan untuk berkahwin.
2.akil baligh.lelaki dan wanita.dan perkara berkaitan aurat.
3.anggota jantina lelaki dan wanita.pertukaran jantina secara pembedahan.
4.berkhatan, lelaki dan wanita.keperluan menjaga kebersihan .sabun yang sesuai.
5.haid dan penyakit2nya.
6.kejadian persenyawaan benih lelaki dan wanita.
7.mengandung, tanda2 mengandung dan penyakit2 berkaitan mengandung,komplikasi mengandung.
8.perkara2 yg harus di lakukan olih pasangan bila mengandung, amalan2 afdal,makanan yang direkomendasi.
9.keperluan pemeriksaan kesihatan semasa mengandung.
10.persediaan bersalin.dimana hendak bersalin.
11.persediaan menyambut kehadiran bayi.
12.penyakit berkaitan hubungan sex rambang, homosex, lesbian .[penyakit kelamin].
13.musibah berkaitan serangan sexual , [mencabul,rogol].apa harus di lakukan.laporan polis, pemeriksaan medicolegal, rawatan perubatan .
14.perlakuan sex abnormal, kaitan nya dengan undang2.
15.kegiatan sukan lasak, adakah mencederakan lapisan dara? pemereksaan yang di benarkan.
16.pengguguran ; kebenaran melakukannya dan kesan2nya.
17.penyakit kegagalan fungsi alat jantina lelaki dan rawatannya.
18.konsep perancang keluarga [keluarga berencana].
Anda mungkin ada persoalan yang ingin di ketengahkan.maka jangan malu untuk bertanya.
Electrostatic Therapy
Yesterday I passed through a row of shoplot nearby to my clinic. I noticed there was heavy activity inside the shop. It was full of old folk, whom some of them, I know.
There was a big banner at the shop; "wellcome for free electrostatic therapy". No risk, can cure your hypertension, stroke, diabetes, asthma, gout, and other illnesses. Certified by thousand of doctors of Japan. No wonder it is full house, because it is free.
I wounder what kind of treatment these people get.What benefit did they get. I just don't have chance to try the therapy because most of their patient I know. I have treated them somehow, or may be met at the mosque.I have been practiced in this town for 15 years already.
If anybody know about electrostatic therapy , please write in.I want to hear your view.
There was a big banner at the shop; "wellcome for free electrostatic therapy". No risk, can cure your hypertension, stroke, diabetes, asthma, gout, and other illnesses. Certified by thousand of doctors of Japan. No wonder it is full house, because it is free.
I wounder what kind of treatment these people get.What benefit did they get. I just don't have chance to try the therapy because most of their patient I know. I have treated them somehow, or may be met at the mosque.I have been practiced in this town for 15 years already.
If anybody know about electrostatic therapy , please write in.I want to hear your view.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
My recipe for control of influenza A
Basically we must take precaution and practice of good habit to control this current outbreak.To some it does not matter if another person get infected, and died because the total number of people die of road accident is much higher.Even the number of people died of assault also higher.
To me it is important because the infected person won't be able to work and bring food for the family.The lost of manpower by the industry is subsequently high.
One should :
1.Not go out to public when there is outbreak .
2.Stay indoor, and concentrate to inhouse activity.
3.Child or person with compromise medical conditions, poor immunity status such as, the sick, child, very old age, canser patients, should wear protective mask especially in public places.
4.avoid over exhaustion,
5.avoid consume iced drink,cold drink, ice cream, etc
6.if possible only drink boiled water, if not possible ,take only bottled water .
7.practice good personal hygiene habit, such as wash hand befor and after preparing food, eating,or touching other person.
8.avoid oral sex .kissing.
9.take vit c , and or multivitamins as prophylaxis, to increase your immunity.
10.ensure you have agood rest after doing your task.
when you get sick:
1.use mask , all the time, at least the n95.if lesser than that, it won't be effective to control spread of bugs.
2.stay indoor, do not meet people or go to crowded places.
3.use tissue paper if you have to [to cover your face when you sneeze, and throw it at proper places.handkerchief may spraid infection.
4.drink alot of water.
5.take medication for symptoms of the flu.
6.take alot of vitamin c, at least 1 gm daily.fruit juice do help.
7.gurgle do help to control sorethroat.any brand will do.
8 see a doctor, because you can't treat yourself.
9.avoid spitting at public places.
10.avoid travel to other places.postpone your appointment.
To me it is important because the infected person won't be able to work and bring food for the family.The lost of manpower by the industry is subsequently high.
One should :
1.Not go out to public when there is outbreak .
2.Stay indoor, and concentrate to inhouse activity.
3.Child or person with compromise medical conditions, poor immunity status such as, the sick, child, very old age, canser patients, should wear protective mask especially in public places.
4.avoid over exhaustion,
5.avoid consume iced drink,cold drink, ice cream, etc
6.if possible only drink boiled water, if not possible ,take only bottled water .
7.practice good personal hygiene habit, such as wash hand befor and after preparing food, eating,or touching other person.
8.avoid oral sex .kissing.
9.take vit c , and or multivitamins as prophylaxis, to increase your immunity.
10.ensure you have agood rest after doing your task.
when you get sick:
1.use mask , all the time, at least the n95.if lesser than that, it won't be effective to control spread of bugs.
2.stay indoor, do not meet people or go to crowded places.
3.use tissue paper if you have to [to cover your face when you sneeze, and throw it at proper places.handkerchief may spraid infection.
4.drink alot of water.
5.take medication for symptoms of the flu.
6.take alot of vitamin c, at least 1 gm daily.fruit juice do help.
7.gurgle do help to control sorethroat.any brand will do.
8 see a doctor, because you can't treat yourself.
9.avoid spitting at public places.
10.avoid travel to other places.postpone your appointment.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Self Esteem and Confidence
Somebody tell me:
Try these steps to cultivate self esteem and confidence in your child.
1.Encourage her/him positively, and help her/him succeed in everything she/he does or tries to do.
2.Praise her/him when she/he succeeds [and or trying]. This boosts her/his self-esteem and gives her/him greater confidence to take on new challenges.
3.Let your child know you believe in her ability to do well.
4.Play with her as much as possible .When playing ,let her take the lead.
Being a young parent you might not know what you want,what to do. So do not be shy to ask other people about parenting.Especially so if your child is not normal, such as autism, down syndrome, had congenital heart diseases, asthma,cerebral palsy, etc......
Try these steps to cultivate self esteem and confidence in your child.
1.Encourage her/him positively, and help her/him succeed in everything she/he does or tries to do.
2.Praise her/him when she/he succeeds [and or trying]. This boosts her/his self-esteem and gives her/him greater confidence to take on new challenges.
3.Let your child know you believe in her ability to do well.
4.Play with her as much as possible .When playing ,let her take the lead.
Being a young parent you might not know what you want,what to do. So do not be shy to ask other people about parenting.Especially so if your child is not normal, such as autism, down syndrome, had congenital heart diseases, asthma,cerebral palsy, etc......
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Positive Attitude
from dr Candice Chia's note
To succeed you need to polish up your communication skills and cultivate a positive ,winning attitude towards your work/ study.
10 tips of how to acquire a positive attitude:
1.strive to be happy.for every minute you get upset with somebody, you lose 60 seconds of happyness that you can never get back.
2.treasure the people who are good to you and forgive those who hurt you.
3.practice turning negative thoughts into positives ones.
4.talk to yourself continuously in a positive manner and you will feel better , look more confident and achieve greeter success.
5.treat as many people as you can with kindness and respect. do this everyday and you will stay upbeat and cheerful.
6.prepare yourself to accept changes in life , read self-help books or attend talks on the subject.
7.set realistic and achievable goals to motivate yourself.write them down and read them regularly to remind yourself.
8.read books , listen cds or watch videos on motivation succes.
9.attend motivational seminars or workshops regularly.
10. look after your health by getting adequate rest , eating sensibly and exercising regularly.
i think if we can do 7 out of 10 tips above, you will score as a positive attitude person. if you are a student, being positive means already pass the exam. a little bit more of effort means you score A on the subject.
To succeed you need to polish up your communication skills and cultivate a positive ,winning attitude towards your work/ study.
10 tips of how to acquire a positive attitude:
1.strive to be happy.for every minute you get upset with somebody, you lose 60 seconds of happyness that you can never get back.
2.treasure the people who are good to you and forgive those who hurt you.
3.practice turning negative thoughts into positives ones.
4.talk to yourself continuously in a positive manner and you will feel better , look more confident and achieve greeter success.
5.treat as many people as you can with kindness and respect. do this everyday and you will stay upbeat and cheerful.
6.prepare yourself to accept changes in life , read self-help books or attend talks on the subject.
7.set realistic and achievable goals to motivate yourself.write them down and read them regularly to remind yourself.
8.read books , listen cds or watch videos on motivation succes.
9.attend motivational seminars or workshops regularly.
10. look after your health by getting adequate rest , eating sensibly and exercising regularly.
i think if we can do 7 out of 10 tips above, you will score as a positive attitude person. if you are a student, being positive means already pass the exam. a little bit more of effort means you score A on the subject.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Punctured wound , oil palm's worker's occupational hazard
Few days ago , a guy walk in to my consultation room with pain and swelling of his right foot for 3 months.He says the pain comes on and off, but the swelling is always there.He gave history of kicking a bunch of oil palm's leaves , and hence the leg became painfull the next day.He has no history of gout or family history of gout.
He had minor aberation on the foot, which is bloodless and heal up in two days.He ignores it, didn't get any treatment from any doctor.A week or two later, he had some discharge from the site of aberation wound.It heals after he cleans up the wound.Yet it comes again after a week or two later.
When i saw him, there was a small wound and discharge on the dorsal of the right foot.It was painfull.I assure him there was something inside the wound. He allows me to do some digging work.There was a piece of oil palm's 'torn' as big as rice seed at the end of the 'tunnel'.
It was common to see oil palm's torn punctured through under the skin and left behind unnoticed.it is because they are very very brittle, yet sharp at the end of it so when enough force applied it can punctured through the skin, and snapped.Un suspecting medical personnel can missed it and the patient will suffer of non healing wound.Some how the body will attack this foreign body and produce puss ,as a mechanism of rejecting it.
Usually, after the foreign body removed, the wound cleanned, and some antibiotic given, the wound will healed up in a few days.Pain killer may help the patient , to keep up in mobility.
He had minor aberation on the foot, which is bloodless and heal up in two days.He ignores it, didn't get any treatment from any doctor.A week or two later, he had some discharge from the site of aberation wound.It heals after he cleans up the wound.Yet it comes again after a week or two later.
When i saw him, there was a small wound and discharge on the dorsal of the right foot.It was painfull.I assure him there was something inside the wound. He allows me to do some digging work.There was a piece of oil palm's 'torn' as big as rice seed at the end of the 'tunnel'.
It was common to see oil palm's torn punctured through under the skin and left behind unnoticed.it is because they are very very brittle, yet sharp at the end of it so when enough force applied it can punctured through the skin, and snapped.Un suspecting medical personnel can missed it and the patient will suffer of non healing wound.Some how the body will attack this foreign body and produce puss ,as a mechanism of rejecting it.
Usually, after the foreign body removed, the wound cleanned, and some antibiotic given, the wound will healed up in a few days.Pain killer may help the patient , to keep up in mobility.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Chikugunya Fever
I fall sick for almost three weeks now. It was started as fever and body ache when i was in Beijing.That day we just visiting the tianmen square and the forbidden city. Our tour guides says we walked past 7 kilometer that day.No wonder i was dead tired.
The next day we tried to buy fever medicine from the pharmacy around the corner.However we cannot find any medicine on English labels. All in Mandarin.We end up buying fever medicine with strange name . We I took it ,it doesn't cure my fever, yet it caused my heart to run faster.The moral of the story is, next time, when you travel, bring along some medicine with you. just in case you need it.
My fever was never subsided when I reach home. The whole body become painful. My joints also painful.I feel nauseated and felt very dry. I can't swallow anything,I can't move around so i just choose to sleep.There was rashes on my both hands and feet.But starangely there was no sweat at all.Usually when i got fever, sweat will come after I took some paracetamol.I choose to treat my ownself. [well, being a doctor, I always thought i know more about my self]
Chikugunya fever is a viral infection. The virus was distributed by mosquitoes[ aedis agepty], ie the same mosquitoes that distribute denggi fever.In medicine, we call it vector.Last months was the highest incidence of chikugunya fever in our country. Probably i got infected when i was at my kampong. Our neighbour claimed there were almost everybody in the village get the same symptoms of fever joint pain and rashes.
Unfortunately there is no specific treatment for chikugunya fever.We give paracetamol to reduce the fever, alot of water, pain killer, and prednisolone and most importance is to have bed rest.I found it is releiving after drinking air zam zam[ holy water usually taken along by hajj pilgrimage]. i don't have enough stock, but i managed to buy from petronas petrol station along the kesas highway.So my advice for those who have the same symptom like me, buy zamzam water, and drink it as much as you can.It may cure you..
The next day we tried to buy fever medicine from the pharmacy around the corner.However we cannot find any medicine on English labels. All in Mandarin.We end up buying fever medicine with strange name . We I took it ,it doesn't cure my fever, yet it caused my heart to run faster.The moral of the story is, next time, when you travel, bring along some medicine with you. just in case you need it.
My fever was never subsided when I reach home. The whole body become painful. My joints also painful.I feel nauseated and felt very dry. I can't swallow anything,I can't move around so i just choose to sleep.There was rashes on my both hands and feet.But starangely there was no sweat at all.Usually when i got fever, sweat will come after I took some paracetamol.I choose to treat my ownself. [well, being a doctor, I always thought i know more about my self]
Chikugunya fever is a viral infection. The virus was distributed by mosquitoes[ aedis agepty], ie the same mosquitoes that distribute denggi fever.In medicine, we call it vector.Last months was the highest incidence of chikugunya fever in our country. Probably i got infected when i was at my kampong. Our neighbour claimed there were almost everybody in the village get the same symptoms of fever joint pain and rashes.
Unfortunately there is no specific treatment for chikugunya fever.We give paracetamol to reduce the fever, alot of water, pain killer, and prednisolone and most importance is to have bed rest.I found it is releiving after drinking air zam zam[ holy water usually taken along by hajj pilgrimage]. i don't have enough stock, but i managed to buy from petronas petrol station along the kesas highway.So my advice for those who have the same symptom like me, buy zamzam water, and drink it as much as you can.It may cure you..
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